

DC Video recently completed the transfer of a very special two-inch Quad videotape featuring Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra, recorded on 9-23-1967 and airing on 12-21-1967. The project consisted of recovering as best as possible the original two-inch Quad high-band first generation color videotape and converting it to 1080i HD. This vintage program contained physical splices which held up perfectly throughout the entire one-hour program. The third-generation Ampex AVR-1 was utilized for the 525 line NTSC playback and the Teranex provided the conversion to HD. The result was a program reproduction consisting of remarkable fidelity and color rendition. It can also be noted that this two-inch Quad videotape was recorded at the NBC Burbank studios. Jerry Smith, a master on the TK 41 video controls made the cameras look great and veteran editor Steve Orland performed the physical splices. 

It’s a very entertaining one-hour special, which aired during the holiday season in 1967 across the NBC television network. 

This version of the program, a PBS Fundraising special, will be airing on PBS member stations this fall, its first release since its original airing. Here is a link to more information on the program:

We’d like to thank Michael Garrison, Dennis Allen and David Leaf for giving us the opportunity to restore this very special program. 

Two-Inch Quad Receives a "Heroes" Welcome on the Big Screen!

In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of this special network program, “Heroes of Rock’n Roll” was screened in front of industry veterans and fans in a packed theatre on Friday October 25, 2019 in Beverly Hills, California. Hosted by the original writer/director team consisting of Malcolm Leo and Andrew Solt, the creation of “Heroes of Rock’n Roll” was inspired by the theatrical production of “That’s Entertainment”.

“Heroes” only aired in 1979 and has been shelved ever since. This complimentary Fine Arts Theatre screening event was the final showing anywhere of this very special two-hour presentation.

To make this theatrical event possible, the original high-band two-inch Quad videotapes, determined to be the best archival elements, were pulled from the vault. Using DC Video specialized workflows and equipment, these Quadruplex tapes were transferred on the third-generation Ampex AVR-1 through an analog to digital conversion process and up-converted to 1080i files. From this step, a DCP was created for the big-screen digital presentation at the Beverly Hills Fine Arts Theatre. 

Image and sound quality during this screening event exceeded everyone’s expectation. It made for a very enjoyable (and fun) evening of an archival videotape presentation!

Here is a review of the program from 40 years ago!

Rampant Romp Through Rock 'n' Roll'Heroes of Rock 'n' Roll': A Generation of Music in Two Hours A Generation of Music in 62 Acts, 100 Songs

The Fine Arts Theatre marquee.

The Fine Arts Theatre marquee.

The production logo from the program (frame grab from 2” Quad).

The production logo from the program (frame grab from 2” Quad).

The crowd outside the theatre.

The crowd outside the theatre.

The original production artwork from 1979.

The original production artwork from 1979.

The banner in the display case outside the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills, California.

The banner in the display case outside the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills, California.